Online Safety information
12th June 2012The internet is not as safe as some people would like but since it is now an integral part of our lives and with the advent of social networking sites. So as a parent or guardian it is you duty to provide them where needed security in the knowledge that the sites on the internet are of an appropriate nature.
Some useful tips to help you and your family stay safe online.
We also offer a service for this called Parental Control for if you need help setting up anything.
- Install anti-virus software.
- Keep your anti-virus software up to date.
- Install a personal firewall. Use Windows updates to patch security holes.
- Use reputable anti-spyware programs such as AdAware or Spybot.
- Do not open e-mail messages that look suspicious.
- Do not click on e-mail attachments you were not expecting.
Some facts on the matter to consider:
“67% of youths exposed to unwanted sexual material occur when youths are at home surfing or searching the Web, reading email or receiving Instant Messages.” Crimes against Children Research Centre
“Every second, approximately 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography”
Internet Filter Review
“Almost one in five young Internet users receive unwanted sexual solicitation.”
Crimes Against Children Research Centre
“70% of all 15 – 17 year olds have accidentally “stumbled upon” pornography online”
Kaiser Family Foundation, 2001 Study
“Nine of 10 kids aged 8-16 have viewed pornography on the Internet, often in the process of doing homework.”
London School of Economics January 2002
“In a survey, 25% of Internet users ages 10-17 form casual online friendships while 14% form close online friendships or online romances.”
Wolak, Mitchell & Finkelhor, 2002